Friday 30 December 2016

Looking Forward to a BrexiTrump 2017

Will the dire predictions of Brexit and a Trump victory of 2016 come to pass? Well, they have happened, I was depressed - but now it is time to move in in this new future.

From the first of January, 2017, I'll keep a daily diary of the rise/fall/muddling through of the new BrexiTrump world.

"OMG!" you might think, "What have we, the inadvertent readers, done to deserve this?". Well, I personally blame the German writer Günther Grass and his 1990 diary on the year after German reunification. If he can do it, I'll have a bash! You can blame the person who gave me the diary for Christmas and hence the idea.

At least you have a day's grace before I get started :-)