Monday 10 April 2017

A non-day. Barrier reef dying.

A visit to Addenbrookes today for a routine DEXA scan. Work. A visit by a friend. More work. An evening playing with data for the SWD paper. Started watching 'A girl walks home alone at night', an Iranian western with a cool vampire in a burka on a skateboard. Slow but engrossing. No real Brexit or Trump news. Lots of angry rhetoric. Awaiting Tillerson's trip to Russia.

Mass bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef is a grim warning sign of global warming. The reef needs about a decade to recover from a bleaching event but it already suffered extensive bleaching just a year ago. Corals are temperature sensitive symbionts of corals and algae that give them their colour. Elevated sea temperatures caused by switching current patterns do occur naturally, resulting in coral stress, which leads to the ejection of algae from the coral. Over the short term, the corals can recover by taking up algae again. however longer stints lead to coral death.

The news of the current coral bleaching achieves a column in the I, two minutes on Sky News, then it is quickly passed over for the immediacy of the Trump family influence on POTUS and the UK following the US lead.

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