Tuesday 10 October 2017

Quiet BrexiTrump day. On the Radio and Positive Responses

Mammoth hair at 100x magnification using polarised light
Across the pond, the important debate of the day is President Trumps challenge to his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson to take an IQ test to see who is the moron. Here the trick question the Prime Minister had to ignore in a radio interview was how she, a previous remain voter, would vote now in a Brexit referendum.

EU negotiators state that they are available 24/7 and that there seems to be an absence of UK negotiators this week.Obviously refuted by UK.

I had an interesting conversation at a meeting in the country park cafe with a potential client. No immediate work but it was fascinating to talk through their challenges and possible routes forward, whether we were involved or not. Part of being a small business is that you constantly learn from others and can in turn offer insights that might be useful.

Received a message from Sue Marchant that our interview would be on today's program at 3 pm. This gave me time to check I could record from the radio in the PC before doing so in earnest. Hmm, I could have spoken slightly louder. at least I didn't come over as a total muppet! As part of the interview, I talked about RAF Witchford and the book we helped Sue Aldridge produce. The program had hardly finished when Sue gave me a call and it was great to catch up with her again. On Facebook, the Mammoth story initiated an invitation to the Fossil Galore Museum in March.

Battled on with setting the Bulletin. At 50 pages of content and pictures. The end is in sight.

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