Sunday 4 February 2018

Hot air on Memos and Brexit. Mint Sauce Crisis at Home Averted.

Mainly hot air about the Nunes Memo and Brexit on either side of the pond.

In the US, the Democrats plan to release their own memo.

In the UK, the Prime Minister emphasised that we would be leaving the customs union. Home Secretary Amber Rudd claims that the government ministers were more united than the Brexiteers suggested. Former Attorney General Dominic Grieve comments that if people want to change their mines on Brexit, they have to do so by Autumn. Minister for Housing, and brexiteer,  Dominic Raab insists that everyone needs to get together now (presumably for Brexit).

A day indoors with a lamb roast. Major crisis to find no mint sauce in fridge for the lamb but saved by neighbour's last stock of mint jelly! Set up a sourdough mixed wheat-rye loaf which looks like it is a slow overnight rise.

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